CPMA CTF Stats - Feb 2005 to May 2015 POV: Th3Mafia
Official Source (Last update: March 18, 2016):http://tcpm.mrlazyinc.com/files/users/themafia/stats/caps_in_mafias_games.xlsxGoogle Docs Copy:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I3EJhzMqKUH7v7PDGIVzmxdcSK79kSldWWOJ8C1bB4I/edit?usp=sharing
Ive played CTF for as long as I can remember playing Quake. At one point I felt the need to record everything. Autorecord ftw. This was in 2005, I have kept my quake folder intact since then, including all the stats files from CPMA during that time. I finally found a way to manually parse the stats files and capture only the CTF games, and thus in combination with a player name.There are two sections to this sheet:
1. Full stats 2005-2015 (2 slots not fully taken and can be replaced)
2. Stats from the point I started attacking only 2012-2015. (I will be ok with replacing up to 5 players from the first section)
The rest is explained in the document.ESReality Thread
TheMafia: March 18, 2016 - Perma-Link